Research Products
Electronic Life histories symposium
The e-waste public event was held on April 21, 2016 at the Purdue CoRec Feature Gym and hosted by the Electronic Life Histories Project team. The multi-disciplinary team is made up of social scientists, artists, and engineers. During the event there were a variety of presentations and installations on display. Read more about our event here.
Explainer Video and Final Project Report
Created by Media Luma team member Michael Williams, this explainer video describes the current state of the e-waste problem. Created to be accessible to a wide variety of audiences, this video introduces the environmental, health, and social impacts of e-waste. You can read our final project report here and watch our explainer video here.
Teaching Tools
This Teaching Tools post offers readings and three in-class exercises that ask students to examine not only the cradle-to-grave processual aspects of making and discarding electronic objects, but also the meanings that these objects carry with them as they travel with us through our lives.
Mediums: an exhibit
Mediums, an annual permanent exhibit space at Purdue university was inaugurated in 2019. The mediums exhibit space, located on the second floor in Stone Hall. Zanotti, Cooper and McMullen featured their Electronic Life Histories Exhibit in the space from 2019-2020. Check out our pamphlet here.